Participation in the national event of the formation of QA POOL from the Ukrainian Association of Students (13.03.2021, online)
On 13 March 2021, the Ukrainian Association of Students (UAS) organized an online event on formation of QA Pool, attended by over 40 participants (experts) from different organisations. The event aimed to involve students in building a system of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Ukraine in accordance with the approaches of the European Higher Education Area, particularly with the The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in EHEA (ESG).
Sergiy KVIT, Head of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA); Mykyta EVSTIFEEV, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the NAQA; Oksana BILOUS, NAQA member; Konstantyn AGAFONOV, Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of Students (UAS); Taras TYMOCHKO, Coordinator of the Strengthening Academic Integrity in Ukraine project (SAIUP) as a key speakers joined the event.
During the meeting participants discussed the quality assurance issues in the European Higher Education Area, the role of the National Agency in implementing changes in Higher Education reform, procedures for approving and revising educational programs in the internal QA system, the role of students in the internal QA system, academic integrity as part of HE QA system, etc.
Zhanna TALANOVA, Manager of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, joined the event with the presentation and shared expert vision and achieved results within Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education projects. In addition, Mychailo WYNNYCKYJ, Head of the Secretariat of the NAQA, HERE team member, participated the event with presentation on analysis of the European Higher Education Area and Quality Assurance.